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No Retainers, No Nonsense, you Only Pay For Results!



Dear Sostware Business Owner,

Do you want to scale your business to millions of users?

Imagine what your life would look like if your users grew exponentially… without spending an insane amount of time and money on your marketing. Or without being hammered time after time by ad account disapprovals because of your product.

More leads flow in, your user base would skyrocket… your bank accounts is flooded with cash… you’d feel more secure that your business was on a trajectory to success… you wouldn’t have to spend your nights and weekends away from your friends and family… and you can finally relax and enjoy the results of your hard work.

Are you fed up with wasting your hard-earned cash on marketing that yields little to no results, or gets you banned from advertising platforms? Are you tired of the “consultants” and “experts” that take your money and don’t produce results?

Maybe you don’t understand the online game, because it’s too foreign. You don’t get the jargon and technical stuff.

Perhaps you don’t know who to hire to get to the next level. Or worse, you’ve been taken for a ride by others.

How do you manage them? Do you improvise?

You could learn it but you don’t have the time, because success loves speed and every minute you waste, you bleed cash. And every second you spend learning and testing, your competitors gain more ground.

You need someone to guide your marketing, because you’re in unfamiliar territory.

Now imagine if you bite the bullet and do a tactical retreat. No more out-of-date strategy and tactics. It’s time to leapfrog to the next generation of warfare.

You need a different approach.

You need something more… small, efficient, and surgical.

Imagine your own small team of highly trained professionals running a guerilla marketing campaign.

Kind of like the SEALs of Sales and marketing… Sea, Air and Land. Night and day.

That’s H-Hour Marketing.

H-Hour is more strategic

The Secret to Blowing Up Your Profits that Most Digital Marketers Don’t Want You to Know

Big agencies “spray and pray” and “carpet bomb” your website with indiscriminate clicks and traffic. Anyone can do that with overwhelming force, numbers and large budgets.You’re bound to get some results, but it’s wasteful. There is collateral damage, and it’s your marketing dollars.You get less per dollar spent.H-Hour is more strategic. There is a focus on quality over quantity. Your advertising is laser-targeted on your ideal customer, your dream client, and they are sent to highly optimized sales funnels.This way, You get more results for each dollar invested. More bang for your buck.

Traffic Generation

We recon for the best places to market your business.

Then we Snatch-and-Grab your dream users through surgically-targeted Google Ads, and then follow up with personalized Email Marketing campaigns.

These are highly tactical, disciplined and frugal marketing campaigns that don’t carpet bomb everyone with your money.


We lead the qualified prospects to your funnels, that entice your visitors to taking action . Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, without complaining or taking a break! We then continue to increase the number of visitors that turn into users by implementing optimization tactics that are proven to produce double and triple digit increases in conversion. There’s no “spray and pray” here.


Not every target converts on the first touch point. The users that don’t take action will be retargeted on Google and Email with “irresistible offers” to bring them back to your funnels and become a customer.


We will help you set up systems that continue to add value to your users and have them come back for new software.This saves you a fortune on constantly chasing new customers.

Boost Your Sales With Marketers Who Bootstrapped Their Own 7-Figure Online Businesses in Shark Infested Markets

H-Hour isn’t a soul sucking nondescript marketing agency filled with suits.

We’re a lean team of specialised marketing operators around the globe.

You know the advantage of being lean? You can navigate hostile situations, adapt fast and be versatile. This means winning when the odds are against us.

Such as?

H-Hour didn’t succeed through sheer luck or from a Blue Ocean strategy; there were no uncontested market battlefields.

We dived into shark infested Red Oceans and succeeded. Yes, that means highly contested and hostile market battlefields.

We learned and succeeded through old fashion trial and error. This means our strategy and tactics are proprietary to us.

Using our marketing methods we helped numerous businesses ignite their sales and conquer their markets. We gave them more leads, more sales and more profits.“We are a veteran owned team, obsessed with creating results, adding value, and fueling growth. We operate with a sense of urgency and always treat your budget like we would treat our own money – that’s in our DNA. Your success is our PASSION – period.

Let’s talk about results.

Our bootstrap experience helped us appreciate the value of Skin in the Game. We have spent over $20 Million Dollars of our own money on advertising! So we will always treat your money like it’s our own. It’s in our DNA.

This means we can increase users with your current marketing budget.

There’s more.

The Pandemic and Lockdowns started in March 2020. You probably know this crushed SMBs pretty hard.

H-Hour’s Ecommerce YTD revenues were 101% higher than 2019!

Like these results, you too can thrive in this hostile environment. This can be your new tomorrow. H-Hour has your six… if you let us.

You Only Pay For Results

H-Hour is a Performance Based business. You pay for results. That means if we don’t perform, we don’t get paid. The more you grow, the more we grow. It’s a fair system. At the same time – You offload the risk to us, so we have to earn your money.


If you haven’t adapted yet, and your fragile business is in No Man’s Land, it will grow more dangerous and competitive every minute you wait. As a Boutique agency, we can only handle a select few new clients per month. The more you hesitate to change your business fortune, the longer you have to wait for our help. So act now.

You can get a better lay of the land, with a Free  Report.

7 Figure Ecommerce Case Study

Let us buy you a $1,000 Full Spectrum “War Plan” Customized For Your Business - On Us!

Here’s the deal: let us buy you a few hours of our time to review your business, analyze your competition and your target market, your existing website and marketing campaigns. Then, based on your business goals, we’ll develop a custom digital marketing plan for your business.

First, there will be an interview to learn about your company. How it ticks, the going on, the nooks and crannies. You can ask any question during this time too.

Then you will learn what your shortcomings are. H-Hour takes a more tactical and surgical approach. We bolster only what your business needs.

Some clients may need an overhaul of their site and sales funnel.

Others might only need fine tuning the sales funnel because they have a great Shopify page.

While other companies need better Google Ad Campaigns.

This is NOT a sales call. It’s a what we usually charge $1000 for this kind of in-depth auditing and planning. This plan will be specifically tailored for your business and you would be able to start implementing it yourself right away. There is no charge for this and there is no Catch.

We do this because most people who take us up on this offer are so impressed and happy, they are excited to get our help in executing this plan.

Claim your spot to Schedule Your custom marketing strategy - $1,000 value, on us

WARNING: Before you claim your spot to talk with our specialist team, you must understand that this offer is not for everyone.
We only invest our time to work with people serious about getting their business on the road to long term success. We are committed to do the heavy lifting for you, but to really ignite your user base, we need to know that you are fully committed as well. If you’re not ready, please do not click the button below.

However, if you are ready to grow getting more leads, sales and profits, then go ahead – book your strategy session right now.
Our team only has a limited number of slots available for these sessions each month and they’re filling up fast. If the queue is full, you will receive an email that you’re on the waiting list, and we encourage you to try again next month.


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